Survival of the spirit

Binaural beats alter brain activity by playing tones with slightly different frequencies into each ear. This creates a perceived beat at a new frequency, influencing brain wave patterns and potentially inducing different mental states. Lower frequencies promote relaxation and sleep, while higher frequencies enhance alertness and memory recall. Many use binaural beats to manage anxiety, stress, sleep issues, and pain. Overall, they offer a unique method for influencing brain activity and may have various applications in mental health and well-being.
Sound Frequencies/ Binaural beats
Some parks and gardens are intentionally designed with features to provide a serene environment/ tranquility.
For example:

-Japanese Gardens
-Botanical Gardens
-Meditation Gardens
-Nature Reserves
-Wellness Retreats

Common features found in these spaces:

-Natural Elements
-Water Features
-Secluded Spaces
-Soft Landscaping
-Mindful Seating
-Sensory Gardens
-Shade and “Shelter”
-Artistic Installations
-Zen and Contemplative Design
Important features to design a calming space
Natural Elements:

Nature is proven to have a calming effect on the mind.
Specific natural spaces can be recreated in unrelated spaces. For example the Portland Japanese Garden in Oregon, USA. —>renowned for its tranquil and traditional Japanese design, incorporating various natural elements.
Rocks and Boulders: Large and small rocks are strategically placed throughout the garden, adding visual interest, serving as focal points, and providing seating areas.
Sand or gravel paths: A way of guiding visiors through the garden (can be done strategically, for example, encouraging visitors to explore different areas gradually, fostering a sense of discovery). Also the sounds* of walking on stone pathways with gravel accents.
Trees and flowers: In this case Japanese maple, cherry blossoms (highlited during the spring season), conifers, azaleas, etc. They provide shade, vibrant colors (ADD research on how this is visually important)* and seasonal changes, recreating a foreign space which makes you feel literally outside of the city.
Also important grass and ground cover (in this case moss-covered ground) to be carefully maintained. (imporatnce of soft surfaces)
Bamboo, touch of mouvemtn and good material (cheaper, resistant, not harmful to the environment) to be used as walls or space dividers which offers a sense of privacy. Better than harsh materials for example concrete since it is less likely tomake you feel trapped.
Bamboo plants as a noise barrier
Based on research of living bamboo plants used alond roads as a barrier to reduce road traffic noise.
Despite potential limitations in noise reduction compared to solid barriers, bamboo barriers offer additional advantages such as improved air quality, ecological benefits, and higher societal acceptance due to their aesthetic appeal. The feasibility study suggests that bamboo, particularly Fargesia Robusta, is a suitable and practical choice for noise barriers along roads.
The idea of growing noise barriers using bamboo emerged from collaboration between the Engineers Division Amsterdam, the province of North Holland, and advice from Rijkswaterstaat. Students from Wageningen University conducted the research, focusing on evergreen vegetation and selecting bamboo among other species for its rapid growth, frost resistance, and positive influence on air quality.
The study assesses the sound isolation of bamboo barriers and predicts their effectiveness through computer simulations. The results indicate that bamboo barriers are comparable to solid barriers of 3 meters in height, with potential for even better noise reduction due to their expected optimal wind profile to reduce reswing effects.
To take into account: From an acoustical perspective, the critical factor is sound isolation, which is influenced by leakage through openings between bamboo stems. The study recommends bamboo species with high density, which means more stems per square meter, for optimal noise reduction. A bamboo noise barrier of 5 meters in height and 6 meters in thickness is found to have a noise-reducing effect comparable to a 3-meter high solid noise barrier.

- A barrier of bamboo is more visually appealing
- Environmental friendly
- Cheap in construcuton and management
- Contributes to a sustainable infrastructure
- Improved air quality

Water Features: The sound of flowing water, whether from fountains, ponds, or streams, can have a soothing effect. Water features create a peaceful auditory experience.

Secluded Spaces: Designers may include secluded pathways, nooks, or alcoves where visitors can find privacy and escape from the crowds providing a sense of intimacy and calm.

Soft Landscaping: The use of soft landscaping, such as gentle curves and flowing lines, can create a harmonious and inviting environment. Avoiding harsh angles and edges.

Minimalism: Tranquil spaces often embrace a minimalist design philosophy, keeping elements simple and uncluttered. This simplicity reduces visual noise.

Mindful Seating: Thoughtful placement of benches and seating areas encourages visitors to sit, relax, and contemplate their surroundings. Comfortable seating with a view of natural elements enhances the tranquility of the space.

Sensory Gardens: Some designs focus on engaging multiple senses, incorporating fragrant plants, textured surfaces, and even sound installations to create a multi-sensory experience that promotes relaxation. (like the water features)

Zen and Contemplative Design: Gardens influenced by Zen or contemplative design principles often feature carefully arranged rocks, gravel patterns, and symbolic elements. These designs encourage meditation and mindfulness.

Shade and “Shelter”: Providing shaded areas and shelters allows visitors to escape the sun or rain, contributing to a comfortable and relaxing experience.

Artistic Installations: Thoughtful art installations or sculptures that complement the natural surroundings can enhance the visual appeal.
What is Active Noise Cancellation?
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) uses a noise cancelling system to reduce unwanted background noise.
The system is based on microphones that “listen” to the sounds outside and inside of the earphone, an ANC chipset inverting the soundwaves and a speaker inside the earphone cancelling the outside sound by the neutralising soundwaves. A bit like taking +2 outside and adding -2 inside to make zero.
Active noise cancellation can be processed through the ANC chipset using either:
-A feed-forward ANC system has a microphone which is placed on the outside of the earphone.
-A feed-back ANC system has a microphone which is placed on the inside of the earphone.
-A hybrid ANC system is a combination of a feed-forward and a feed-back ANC system.
Plasma-based noise cancellation could silence rooms, cars and planes
There’s a recent development of a new type of active noise cancellation (ANC) technology using plasma-based ionic speakers. This technology, developed by researchers at EPFL, Switzerland, offers a significant advancement in noise cancellation capabilities compared to traditional ANC systems that use speakers and membranes.
The plasma-based ionic speakers work by ionizing ambient air into a plasma using an electric field, creating positively and negatively charged particles. These ions are then magnetically accelerated to create pressure waves, effectively cancelling out incoming sound waves. Unlike traditional ANC systems with bulky speaker cones, these plasma-based speakers are thin, lightweight, and highly responsive to voltage changes.
The research team found that these plasma-based speakers are exceptionally effective at cancelling both high and low-frequency sounds. For example, they can cancel out a 20 Hz sound wave, which typically requires a 4-meter thick wall using conventional sound-absorbing materials, with just a 17-mm thick layer of the plasma-based material.
The technology has been licensed to a Swiss company called Sonexos, which plans to commercialize it for various applications including vehicle and aircraft cabins, office spaces, and homes. This innovation has the potential to offer a cost-effective, reliable, and lightweight solution for noise reduction in various environments.
How to Soundproof a Room Cheaply from Traffic and Neighbours
Difficulty in containing sound due to its ability to diffract and travel through various mediums.
First step: dentify the source of noise transmission, and understand how sound travels through air and objects, in order to employ soundproofing methods such as sound damping, adding mass, decoupling, and sound absorption.
Solutions: Rearranging furniture to use it as dividers and using soft furnishings (rugs, and carpets), installing noise-reducing windows, sound-dampening curtains and wooden shutters, sealing gaps, adding insulation, and using sound-dampening materials.
Natural sounds
Evolutionary Adaptation: Throughout human history, humans have been surrounded by natural environments. Our brains have evolved to find these environments familiar and safe. Natural sounds signal an environment that is generally free from immediate threats, promoting a sense of relaxation and safety.
Stress Reduction: Research has shown that exposure to natural sounds can reduce stress levels. These sounds can trigger the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing the physiological symptoms of stress, such as elevated heart rate and blood pressure.
Attention Restoration: Natural sounds can capture and hold our attention without requiring intense cognitive effort. This can help to redirect attention away from stressors and intrusive thoughts, allowing the brain to rest and recharge.
Deep beats
Entrainment: Deep beats have the ability to synchronize brainwave patterns with the rhythm of the music or sound. This phenomenon is known as entertainment. When the brain synchronizes with a rhythmic beat, it can induce a state of heightened focus and relaxation.
Stimulation of Brain Areas: Deep beats can stimulate the brain's reward centers by activating the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which are associated with pleasure and motivation. This can lead to feelings of euphoria, excitement, or upliftment.
Emotional Regulation: Deep beats can evoke emotional responses. The rhythmic structure of beats can provide a sense of predictability and stability, which can be comforting and grounding during times of stress or anxiety.
Mindfulness and Meditation: Deep beats are often used as a focal point during mindfulness practices or meditation. The rhythmic quality of the beats can help quiet the mind and facilitate a state of deep relaxation.
However, it's important to note that individual responses to deep beats can vary widely depending on factors such as personal preferences, cultural background, and past experiences. While some people may find deep beats calming and soothing, others may find them too stimulating or overwhelming.
Sound therapy

Sound therapy is a non-invasive and holistic approach to wellness that utilizes the power of sound vibrations to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It’s used to address specific health concerns or goals, and sessions typically involve creating a calming and supportive environment conducive to relaxation and healing. It has gained popularity as a complementary and alternative medicine practice, often used alongside conventional medical treatments. Sound therapy draws upon principles from ancient healing practices that recognised sound for its therapeutic properties, such as traditional Chinese medicine, indigenous cultures and Ayurveda. It involves the intentional use of various sounds, including music, tones, chants, or natural sounds, to induce relaxation, reduce stress, alleviate pain, enhance mood, and support overall health. This form of therapy can be experienced individually or in group settings, such as sound meditation sessions, workshops, or retreats.
Different types:
Music Therapy: It addresses physical, emotional, cognitive, or social needs involving the use of music. Either listening to pre-recorded music or engaging in musical activities like singing, playing instruments, or composing music.
Tuning Fork Therapy: Promotes balance and harmony by the use of specialized tuning forks that emit specific frequencies when struck, applied to the body's acupressure points or energy centers.
Binaural Beats: This technique is believed to synchronize brainwave patterns and induce desired mental states, such as relaxation or focus by playing two slightly different frequencies in each ear, creating a third frequency through brainwave entrainment. (Entrainment refers to the synchronization or alignment of rhythms, patterns, or brainwave frequencies, particularly in response to external stimuli such as rhythmic sounds or visual patterns).
Gong Bath or Sound Bath: Induces deep realaxatuon an mediation by immersing oneself in the sounds of gongs, singing bowls, or other instruments played in a therapeutic manner.
Vibroacoustic Therapy: It stimulates the body's tissues and promotes relaxation, pain relief, and overall well-being by using low-frequency sound vibrations delivered through specialized equipment, such as vibrating mats or chairs.
Guided Imagery with Sound: Involves combining visualization techniques with soothing sounds to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and facilitate healing.
Neurological Responses: Sound waves stimulate the auditory nerves and activate the auditory cortex, leading to the perception and interpretation of sound.
Brainwave Entrainment: Different types of sound can entrain brainwave activity, influencing patterns associated with relaxation, meditation, or focus. Techniques like binaural beats produce this effect.
Emotional Regulation: Sound therapy activates brain regions involved in emotion processing, such as the amygdala and limbic system. It can evoke specific emotional states, promoting emotional regulation and well-being.
Stress Reduction: Calming sounds activate the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to physiological changes like decreased heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels. This reduces stress and induces relaxation.
Neuroplasticity: Regular exposure to sound therapy induces neuroplastic changes (Defined as the ability of the nervous system to change its activity in response to intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli by reorganizing its structure, functions, or connections after injuries), strengthening neural connections associated with auditory processing, memory, and attention. It may also promote neurogenesis in relevant brain regions.
Pain Management: Sound therapy modulates pain perception by activating pain modulation pathways and promoting the release of endorphins. Techniques like music therapy or vibroacoustic therapy are effective in managing chronic pain conditions.
How it works: