Survival of the spirit
Before our main and final project, we were developing one around a similar topic but on a bigger concept scale. While we were still interested in addressing overstimulation in the city, we approached the issue with a larger and more complex solution.
Our initial idea was to create a dedicated noise isolated park space within the chaotic city to provide relief for those seeking to escape the overwhelming noise and surroundings. This concept revolved around a fictional space that individuals could visit, completely isolated from the outside world's sounds, also essentially creating a sort of natural site within a concrete jungle. We further expanded this idea by including relaxation areas within buildings, creating a shadow place and open pods for those who need complete solitude.
As this idea took shape, we realized it was too broad and complex. Ultimately, we agreed that it was more important for us to make our final presentation about an experience from our narrative and explore our interest in sound in the context of overstimulation more.
In today's modern world, many of us struggle with overstimulation, especially when surrounded by the active sounds of the city. Our environments sometimes do not allow us to take a minute to calm ourselves down, and for those struggling with overstimulation, this can feel overwhelming.
Even though many affected individuals are coming up with their own ideas or methods to handle these situations, such as using noise-canceling headphones, we wanted to create an option that doesn't rely on electricity yet still helps create a headspace for those who need it. Through exploring sounds and their individual effects on us, we developed a few prototypes of this idea. During this process, we dived into crafting, as well as 3D printing and developing small mechanisms.
Despite the fact that chaotic, active sounds can induce stress, we believe that certain sounds can help you relax and focus. While wearing these headphones, you're ultimately focusing on a particular sound and creating a rhythm with yourself. Since these sounds are powered by movement, it encourages you to take the lead in creating the sound and to direct all your focus on specific aspects, such as the sound itself or how the movement affects it.

Initial idea: Calm noise-free space in the middle of the city
Final project: Analogue Headphones